Marketplace Measurement.
How do you evaluate your business today?
What’s driving it?
How do you use that information to ultimately increase sales?
These are the bottom-line questions that all great companies ask themselves. At the core of the answers lies market research. How do you know what’s driving your business unless you’ve dug deeply enough into its drivers with the right marketplace data, such as retail sales and appropriate causals?
Ultimately, allocations of marketing and trade spending are informed by marketplace data. So, with the massive amounts of data available to you, how will you know how to use it? How can business leaders decide how much to invest in trade, television, web, print, and other vehicles unless you know what truly motivates consumers to buy?
With today’s emphasis on big data and automation, businesses need strategic direction on how to gather the right data as well as understand the data they already have. Often, the focus is on getting more data, when in fact the real opportunity lies in more effectively using existing data by better synthesis and “connecting the dots.”
At WS Consulting, the core of our business is bringing a human face to data and advanced analytics, helping you to build an organization that connects the dots to synthesize the data you have, provide new ways of looking at data and analytics, and teasing out the business drivers that will be the most meaningful to your business in a simple, impactful way.
We can work with you in one of three ways:
The Audit Plan:
We assess your organization’s current capabilities with new and existing data, gaining a deep understanding of the analytical methods you have in place, the data that are available, and the ways in which your team is using (or not using) that data. We identify gaps and provide recommendations for improvement.
The Battle Plan:
We then use our audit to create a roadmap for your comprehensive marketplace measurement strategy, identifying organizational, behavioral, and financial opportunities to help your team better understand your business and what drives it.
The Implementation Plan:
We work with your team to execute the plan, either comprehensively or on a project-by-project basis.